Petrick Draws on Chaos for “Major Grom: The Game”

Petrick Animation Studio, whose many styles of character work we track here, lets loose with a deranged sequence for Oleg Trofim’s superhero feature film Major Grom: The Game, “bringing to life the psychologically unstable narrator-hero.”

Oleg Kulinich, director/CG supervisor at Petrick: “The new film Major Grom: The Game is based on the popular comic book universe about police major Igor Grom from Bubble Studios. Our team worked on the sequence visualizing the plan of the main villain, which plays a key role in the nearly three-hour movie.

“We wanted the visuals to look rough and wild, as if they were drawn by our main antagonist.”

“Our animation includes a lot of both classic 2D and 3D animation. The way it all comes together is largely thanks to our primary tool: the drawing program HEAVYPAINT, created by Vaughan Ling. We started by assembling everything piece by piece — character animation, background animation with camera movements, FX — and then each key frame was ‘distressed’ in HEAVYPAINT.

“We wanted the visuals to look rough and wild, as if they were drawn by our main antagonist. During the process, we set up specific rules – how to make strokes, how to smear fills, which brushes to use – so the work of several artists looked as if it came from a single hand.”

Watch the process reel:

Major Grom The Game feature film animated segment by Petrick | STASH MAGAZINE

Major Grom The Game feature film animated segment by Petrick | STASH MAGAZINE

Major Grom The Game feature film animated segment by Petrick | STASH MAGAZINE

Major Grom The Game feature film animated segment by Petrick | STASH MAGAZINE

Major Grom The Game feature film animated segment by Petrick | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Bubble Studios, Kinopoisk, Plus studio
Film Director: Oleg Trofim

Bubble Studios
Script: Artem Gabrelyanov
Producer: Mikhail Kitaev
Post-production producer: Elena Khvan

Production: Petrick Animation Studio
CD: Misha Petrick
EP: Nadya Petrick, Polina Fufarova
Director/Art Director/CG Supervisor: Oleg Kulinich
Producer: Alena Antonyan
Character Design/Layout: Ruslana Mirzaalieva
Concepting: Oleg Kulinich, Adelia Koldarova, Sasha Kakora, Aisha Durmagambetova
Concepting RND: Maxim Baryshnikov, Kirill Erashov
Colorscript: Sasha Kakora
Lead Animator: Vova Orlov, Oleg Kulinich
Animatic: Ilya Shekiladze, Kirill Blumenkrants, Vova Orlov
2D Animator/Cleanup/Painting: Vova Orlov, Ilya Shekiladze, Stepan Nikitin, Maria Dudina, Valeria Bogdanova, Veronica, Kirill Zak, Elena Khan
Decleanup: Oleg Kulinich, Vova Orlov, Ruslana Mirzaalieva, Misha Petrick, Adelia Koldarova, Sasha Kakora, Natalia Grofpel, Aisha Durmagambetova, Maria Dudina, Valeria Bogdanova, Alexander Kovalevsky, Dmitry Sindyakov, Alex Orlov, Alena Antonyan, Aleksandra Kulinich
3D Generalist: Oleg Kulinich, Alexander Kovalevsky, Dmitry Sindyakov, Anna Pozdeeva
Compositor: Oleg Kulinich, Veronika Khoreva, Yana Poroshina, Alexander Kovalevsky, Dmitry Sindyakov, Ksenia Chermashentsev

Sound: Roman Seliverstov
Actor Voice: Sergey Goroshko