From design, animation, and VFX to interactive and VR, the first 23 speakers announced for the 2016 STYLE FRAMES Design Conference offer strong opinions and real-world insights into winning the art of pitch – on stage this Nov 7-8 at the SVA theatre in New York. [Watch]
Passion Pictures director Saschka Unseld turns the character and narrative talents he honed at Pixar to the latest chapter in Chipotle’s ongoing series of heart-tugging, music-driven and multi-award-winning branded short films. [Watch]
Nice insight into the massive and masterful water simulations from Paris VFX and post powerhouse Digital District in this :45 for Peugeot’s 2008 crossover directed by Partizan’s Antoine Bardou-Jacquet thru BETC Paris. [Watch]
Director Andy Hall and the Elastic crew conjure an ominous and atmospheric animated tale in the studio’s second film for JK Rowling’s “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” for Warner Bros. [Watch]
Forty-four third year Bachelor of Art and Design students at the Media Design School in Auckland, New Zealand turn the jet-black humor of Edward Gorey’s “Accidents, Blunders and Calamitiesis” loose on 30 unlucky CG creatures in this mini-masterwork of seamless VFX and beat-perfect comic timing. [Watch]
Anointed the European Capital of Culture 2016, the coastal Basque resort city of San Sebastian marked the honor with a sweeping and tasteful installation on the picturesque Maria Cristina bridge designed and implemented by Barcelona studio Tigrelab. [Watch]
Mixing the silly with the sublime, London director/designers Xander Marritt and Elias Freiberger team with FutureDeluxe to concoct a striking CG short about “the conscious and subconscious. Reality and surreality. A reflection of life, a personification of the immediacy in the way we conduct ourselves.” [Watch]
Fun to watch even without the VR headgear, “Does Not Exist” claims to be the first music video for a track composed specifically for mixing in 3D sound. The film features London beatboxer Reeps One (aka Harry Yeff) and spatial audio created by Aurelia Soundworks with production, editorial and VFX by The Mill. [Watch]
Directors Ludovic Versace, Félicien Colmet Daâge and the crew at multi-talented Paris studio Les Monstres turn a manifesto for a persecuted European minority into an engaging and enigmatic 2D/3D-animated treat (chock full of innovative frames and transitions) for the Association La Voix des Rroms (The Voice of Roma). [Watch]
Let director John Jones and Paris studio 2FACTORY kick-start your Friday with a cast of desperate characters and over-the-top walk cycles packaged into in a very unsubtle comment about conformity and personal style in this romp for electro/hip-hop duo Cosmic Valley called “Superbia (Ft. Basement Beatzz).” [Watch]
The NYC studio of Imaginary Forces wraps ESPN’s extensive broadcast coverage of the 2016 Euro Cup in a dynamic and diverse package of 200 animated elements inspired by the history and artistic heritage of the month-long tournament’s host country France. [Watch]
Wonderfully ornate collage and illustration work by Paris artistic director Roxane Lagache comes to life courtesy of French motion designer/director Cyrille Smaha in this energized brand film for Chanel, episode 15 of an ongoing series created thru Paris prodco Falabracks. [Watch]
Pre-show theatre announcements in Brazil got a whole lot more intricate and interesting recently with the introduction of this ambitious mix of CG and miniatures from São Paulo production powerhouse Vector Zero. [Watch]
In February 2013, as snow piled up on NYC streets, 400 creative-types sat in a sold out theater transfixed by brilliant presentations, surprising insights, and heated exchanges about the creative eco-system and where it was headed. The first edition of STYLE FRAMES: The Art of the Pitch was underway. [Watch]