Sam Fell passion_sainburys Perfect Gift | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes of Sainsbury’s “The Greatest Gift Is Me”

Oscar-nominated Passion Animation director Sam Fell updates traditional stop-motion characters with 3D-printed expressions for this year’s Sainsbury holiday film thru AMV BBDO complete with the voice talents of James Corden and a track by Flight of the Conchords’ Bret McKenzie. [Watch]

promescent the O gap| STASH MAGAZINE

Aardman: Promescent “The O Gap”

So, just how does one promote a spray designed to delay male orgasm during sex? Director Tim Ruffle and the Aardman crew decided the answer lay in wit, wisdom, and cheeky vignettes all rendered in a confectioner’s palette. [Watch]

john-lewis Buster the boxer | STASH MAGAZINE

MPC and Dougal Wilson: John Lewis “Buster The Boxer”

The team behind the emotional 2015 John Lewis holiday spot “Monty’s Christmas” (Blink director Dougal Wilson, MPC and agency adam&eveDDB) are back and while the tear-jerking factor is lower in “Buster The Boxer,” the story telling and VFX work remain exceptional. [Watch]

ciclope berlin | STASH MAGAZINE

The Line: Ciclope Festival 2016 Opening Film

Writer/director Bjørn-Erik Aschim, his mates at London directing collective The Line, and prodco Friends Electric opened the 2016 Ciclope Festival in Berlin last week with this rich feast of environments and landscapes inspired by British Travel Posters of the 1930s. [Watch]

Againstallodds Very Get the most out of giving | STASH MAGAZINE

againstallodds: Very “Get More Out of Giving”

The first of the 2016 feel-good CG holiday ads arrives courtesy of Passion directors againstallodds (who warmed a billion hearts last year with Loteria “Justino”) thru UK agency St Luke’s for British online retailer [Watch]

eran hilleli_style-frames | STASH MAGAZINE

Eran Hilleli Opens STYLE FRAMES with a Luminous Parade

The 2016 STYLE FRAMES design conference opened in spectacular fashion a few hours ago with this luminous title sequence lovingly designed and animated by Hornet director Eran Hilleli with music and sound design from Disasterpeace. [Watch]

Brad Bird animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Insight: Brad Bird on Animation

Inspiring and surprisingly emotional compilation of thoughts and rants from writer/director Brad Bird (‘The Iron Giant’, ‘The Incredibles,’ ‘Ratatouille’) on his creative process and why animation is not a genre – assembled by Kees van Dijkhuizen Jr., a young film editor from the Netherlands. [Watch]

preston short film 3D | STASH MAGAZINE

Watch “Preston” Short Film from ISART Digital Students

And the award for the best animated interpretation of classical music in a short film goes to “Preston,” a visceral mini-masterwork of pugilistic excess set to Franz Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 – created by students at French animation/VFX school ISART Digital as their graduation project. [Watch]

royale_vote Neil Patrick Harris | STASH MAGAZINE

Neil Patrick Harris and Royale Want You to Vote

With US voters divided like never before, We Are Royale pull out all the stops, using 80’s airbrush and electro voodoo to summon Neil Patrick Harris for inspiration in an effort to unite the country while it chooses the next leader of the free world. [Watch]

Shut Up and Eat Your “Snap Shorts”

The off-kilter but meticulously drafted characters of illustrator Eran Mendel pop to life in a trio of darkly comic shorts animated by Oren Mashkovski and held together by the music of composer Pablo J. Garmón. [Watch]

Joao lavieri | STASH MAGAZINE

João Lavieri: Des.gráfica

São Paulo designer/illustrator/director João Lavieri unleashes “a collection of weird loops animated without sense” as a promo for the Fair Des.gráfica, a cultural event “focusing on publications and visual experiences that are conspicuous by their daring and experimentation in the field of comics.” [Watch]


Keep Great Company at STYLE FRAMES!

Join 35 STYLE FRAMES speakers plus an audience full of designers, directors, animators, ADs, CDs, ACDs, ECDs, producers and EPs, HOPs, VPs, SVPs, VFX artists/supervisors, educators, audio and interactive designers plus VR producers, from all sides of the creative industry. [Watch]

bridgespan Health | STASH MAGAZINE

Buck and Cole & Weber for Bridgespan

Creative Director Gareth O’Brien and the Buck crew continue to up the bar for explainer videos with this luminous and intricate 60-second spot for western US health insurance company Bridgespan thru Seattle agency Cole & Weber. [Watch]


Tomás García: MTV.OS Branding

Hold onto your memes and emojis, Tomás García and his crew in Buenos Aires just sent us this absurd whack of chaos/branding for MTV.OS, aka the scary future of broadcasting that uses A.I. to take over your TV brain. [Watch]