Time Based Arts F1 Engineered Insanity | STASH MAGAZINE

Time Based Arts Unleash “Engineered Insanity” for F1

Final Cut editor Ben Stephens demonstrates the power of his craft to spike your heart rate in this spot for Formula 1 racing directed by Chris Boyle and amplified by VFX and post work from Time Based Arts in London. [Watch]

Quad Bruno Avalian Fix Studio Road Safety | STASH MAGAZINE

Clearing the Smoke for Road Safety

Just in case you planned to spark up that joint before hitting the road this weekend, Quad director Bruno Aveillan and French post house Fix Studio have a message for you. [Watch]

dondon ACV Dummy motion capture | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes on ACV “Dummy”

Berlin animation/VFX house dondon nudge the crash-test dummy genre forward by motion-capturing the actor’s finest details then hand-crafting facial tweaks in this charmer directed by Josh Dawson for German automobile club ACV. [Watch]

Ditroit Diesel Uncool wool animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Ditroit and Diesel “Say No to Uncool Wool”

This impossible-to-ignore all-CG brand film was created by Milan/London motion studio Ditroit and ran in store windows as part of Diesel’s “Say no to uncool wool” campaign. [Watch]

Spike Channel IDs by Alkanoids

Alkanoids, the Milan design studio who opened PromaxBDA Rome a few weeks ago, is back with a series of fun Popsicle-colored IDs for Spike Italy – plus the only making-of video I’ve ever seen cut to a Rammstein track. [Watch]

MPC Apple Unlock TV commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

MPC Helps Apple “Unlock” High School

Time to put aside the privacy vs convenience argument for 60 seconds and just enjoy MPC’s flurry of VFX work on Dougal Wilson’s spot for Apple’s FaceID feature which uses facial recognition to unlock the iPhone X. [Watch]

Titmouse Face Face animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Face to Face with “Face Face”

“Face Face,” the frenetic and fabulous new animated short from Titmouse takes us to the year 372054 and asks what might it be like to pilot a spaceship grown from your own DNA. [Watch]

Buff Motion Kingston School of Art What is Creativity | STASH MAGAZINE

Kingston School of Art Asks “What is Creativity?”

Fifteen alumni from Kingston School of Art in London explore the idea of creativity and how to define it in this playful promo for their alma mater produced by Buff Motion thru design agency Bond & Coyne. [Watch]


Offset 2018 Title Sequence by MPC

Working independent of each other, six creative directors from various MPC offices around the globe tackle the main title sequence of Offset in Dublin, ambitious typography ensues. [Watch]

Newgold Amnesty INternational Planet J | STASH MAGAZINE

Amnesty International “Planet J” (Director’s Cut)

Alessandro Novelli, director and founder at Barcelona studio Newgold, crafts a dark but hopeful sci-fi story called “Planet J” for Amnesty International thru ContrapuntoBBDO. [Watch]

Daniels Talk “Turn Down for What”

Exactly four years ago Stash published “Turn Down For What,” the music video for DJ Snake & Lil Jon by Prettybird directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. In that post I was not shy in my praise for the work, calling it a “surgically choreographed jaw-dropper of frenzied testosterone… 3.5 minutes-o-genius.” [Watch]

MUTANT YEAR ZERO: ROAD TO EDEN Cinematic Reveal Trailer Goodbye Kansas Bearded Ladies | STASH MAGAZINE

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Trailer by Goodbye Kansas

The rising Stockholm VFX/animation force known as Goodbye Kansas push popular role playing board game Mutant Year Zero into the video game market with stellar CG work and a pinch of comedy in the cinematic launch trailer. [Watch]

Passion Animation Dementia UK | STASH MAGAZINE

Reuben McNaughton and Passion Pictures for Dementia UK

Director/designer Reuben McNaughton and the Passion Pictures animation team launch a gentle three-minute film called “Together Again” for Dementia UK highlighting the one-to-one support provided by its Admiral Nurses. [Watch]

128_Post main PIC | STASH MAGAZINE

Boom! Stash 128 Drops Two Hours of Inspiration

What do two hours of motion brilliance look like hyper-compressed into just two minutes? Correct, exactly like this trailer for Stash 128. [Watch]