Chickens animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Valentine’s Treat for Those Trapped in the Friendzone

In their playful animated short “Chickens,” UK director George Wu and Taiwan illustrator Meng-Chia Lai capture the singular awkwardness of unrequited love most of us will feel at least once in life. [Watch]

Nike Nothing Beats a Londoner | STASH MAGAZINE

Time Based Arts: Nike’s “Nothing Beats a Londoner”

Shoreditch VFX shop Time Based Arts supplied the 2D and 3D work on Nike’s new street-level three-minute epic highlighting the talents of young Londoners. Directed by Riff Raff’s Megaforce thru Wieden+Kennedy. [Watch]

Day One Sunshine animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Lobo Peers into the Darkness Behind the “Sunshine”

Director Guilherme Marcondes and the Lobo crew reveal the many ways young love can slip into torment in this emotional branded short for US nonprofit Day One thru BBDO NY. [Watch]

Vestre Atlas Bench | STASH MAGAZINE

Racecar Launches the Atlas Bench System for Vestre

Austere compositions rendered in a playful confectioner’s palette amplify the visual impact of this launch film for Vestre’s Atlas outdoor seating system created by Racecar in Oslo. [Watch]

Pfizer “Half Protected” | STASH MAGAZINE

Lumbre Revs Up Pfizer with “Half Protected”

With their new online video for Pfizer, Buenos Aires design studio Lumbre have created a masterclass in how to turn a healthcare warning about vaccines into punchy, music-driven infotainment. [Watch]

James Vincent McMorrow "National" | STASH MAGAZINE

James Vincent McMorrow “National” Music Video

The fervent emotion of Irish singer/songwriter James Vincent McMorrow’s “National” track finds a beguiling visual compliment in this animated treatment by the crew at Giant Ant in Vancouver. [Watch]

Anthony Capristo Nike "Free Your Mind" | STASH MAGAZINE

Nike “Free Your Mind” Spec Spot

Few things bare witness to the continuing democratization of creative tools and talent like spec work – more specifically: spec commercials which get your blood racing as fast or faster than their full-price cousins. [Watch]

Ranger & Fox Emoji Manifesto | STASH MAGAZINE

Ranger & Fox’s “Emoji Manifesto”

“Emoji Manifesto,” a new piece of mischievous self-promotion from Los Angeles motion studio Ranger & Fox, packs more fun into 53 seconds than “The Emoji Movie” did in 91 minutes. [Watch]

BUF Reach for “All The Stars” with Kendrick Lamar and SZA

BUF, the pioneering Paris VFX house with credits on everything from “The Matrix” to the new “Twin Peaks,” amplify the visual power of the new “All The Stars” music video for Kendrick Lamar and SZA. [Watch]


Trip Along with FJAAK “Snow” by Raman Djafari

Hamburg illustrator/animator Raman Djafari’s mind-altering new video for German electronic trio FJAAK takes us deep into a swirling hyper-chroma trance where nothing is permanent and everything is unexpected. [Watch]

Akama Renault Z. E. The Postman | STASH MAGAZINE

Wizz, Akama and NKI Re-team for Renault “The Postman”

Classic story structure and compelling execution make this knight-must-defeat-dragon-to-get-princess tale an entertaining and effective brand film for Renault’s Z.E. line of all-electric cars. [Watch]


NPR Invisibilia “Alien Hand” by Giant Ant

This curious (true) story of an epileptic woman whose left hand takes on a life of it’s own after her brain surgery was animated by Giant Ant for Invisibilia, NPR’s fusion of storytelling and science. [Watch]

Netflix Altered Carbon | STASH MAGAZINE

“Altered Carbon” Main Titles by Elastic

This title sequence by creative director Lisa Bolan and the Elastic crew sets the tone for Netflix’ gritty new sci-fi mystery series “Altered Carbon” created by Laeta Kalogridis and starring Joel Kinneman. [Watch]

Animation Workshop_Bacchus | STASH MAGAZINE

A Young Woman Breaks Free of Banality with “Bacchus”

Director Rikke Planeta and a team of her fellow 3rd year students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Denmark capture a young woman’s brief but intense escape from the repetitive emptiness of her daily life. [Watch]