Amazon Books That Reading Feeling Awaits Tom Noakes | STASH MAGAZINE

Amazon Books “That Reading Feeling Awaits” by Tom Noakes and Friends

Prettybird director Tom Noakes pulls together five VFX and animation studios then pairs them with different literary genres to illustrate “the invisible magic that happens in our imaginations when we read” for Amazon Books thru Droga 5 London. [Watch]

Estee Lauder Craftmanship FILFURY The Mill | STASH MAGAZINE

Estée Lauder “Craftmanship” by FILFURY and The Mill

The Mill Design Studio and roster director FILFURY showcase the craftsmanship of Estée Lauder’s heavyweight, soft-close, eyeshadow packaging with “an array of rich, elegant, and textural, graphic design vignettes”. [Watch]

Netflix “Amend: The Fight for America” Graphics and Animation Package by Elastic and Titmouse | STASH MAGAZINE

Netflix “Amend: The Fight for America” Graphics and Animation Package by Elastic and Titmouse

The ongoing resonance of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution snaps into stark focus in the Netflix docu-series “Amend: The Fight for America” thanks to powerful animation and graphics by LA studios Elastic and Titmouse. [Watch]

Autism - Different minds. One Scotland by Aardman Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Autism “Different Minds, One Scotland” by Dan Binns and Aardman

Aardman director Dan Binns crafts a gentle and optimistic animated film for the Scottish Government’s autism awareness campaign thru The Leith Agency in Edinburgh. [Watch]

Direct Line RoboCop Donatello Bumble Bee | STASH MAGAZINE

Direct Line Beats RoboCop, Donatello, and Bumble Bee

Witness the seamless convergence of comedy and VFX in this new three-spot campaign starring disappointed superheroes for UK insurance provider Direct Line via Hungry Man director Brian Buckley and The Mill VFX crew. [Watch]

Friends Electric director Greg Barth | STASH MAGAZINE

Director Greg Barth Joins Friends Electric Roster

Friends Electric is stoked to announce the arrival of Greg Barth, the Swiss-born, UK-based artist and director. Greg is in good company as he joins the talented London roster that includes Ewan Jones Morris, Future Power Station and Polynoid to name but a few. [Watch]