For their first in-house animated short, New York prodco Dress Code tackles a story of childhood addiction. In production for two years, the film renders a complex issue in a stark palette punctuated by fluid transitions and powerful visual collisions. [Watch]
Strong character work, wonderful art direction and a brief lesson in listening from Léa Cousty and her short film “Sur Ecoute,” created during her fourth year studying animation at Supinfocom Valenciennes. [Watch]
David Chontos, a director and the head of CG at PSYOP LA, describes his latest short film as “part exercise of passion and part love letter – ‘Sisters’ is a fragment of some lost, tragic opera.” [Watch]
Los Angeles freelance art director and designer CJ Cook reveals the design and motion process behind “Totems,” his personal experiment with “colors, camera moves, and different kinds of animation.” [Watch]
Jumping confidently between animation techniques including stop-motion, UPA-influenced 2D, and golden age black and white, 2nd year CalArts student Mathieu Libman ruminates on life, love, and small blessings in disguise with “Pinky Toe.” [Watch]
If you caught Kibwe Tavares’ short film “Jonah”, you know his talent for story craft enhanced with magic realism VFX work is second to none. [Watch]