OFFF Barcelona 2019 Main Titles by Chris Bjerre

The 2019 edition of the venerable OFFF Barcelona conference opened with this brooding meditation on the creative process by the omni-talented San Francisco director, designer, and concept artist Chris Bjerre

“In a parallel universe, our infrastructure and power grid has collapsed. All lines of communication have broken down.
In the absence of influence, organic life has started to evolve.
OFFF Barcelona 2019 titles by Chris Bjerre | STASH MAGAZINE

OFFF Barcelona 2019 titles by Chris Bjerre | STASH MAGAZINE

OFFF Barcelona 2019 titles by Chris Bjerre | STASH MAGAZINE

OFFF Barcelona 2019 titles by Chris Bjerre | STASH MAGAZINE

Director/designer/animator: Chris Bjerre
Music/sound design: Echoic Audio