A collaboration between virtual animated singer KAF and Japanese musician/DJ/producer Mondo Grosso comes to shimmering life in this ambitious music video created by Tokyo CG house Khaki for virtual talent agency Kamitsubaki Studio.
Hirokazu Yokohara, CG director at Khaki: “Like other Japanese Vtubers, KAF had been working with 2D animation-style 3D models. This time, we needed to expand her expressive possibilities by presenting her as a photo-realistic virtual human.
“We felt that a simple photo-realistic CG style would not be able to capture KAF’s personality well and we did not want her to resemble someone in real life, but rather to stylize and incorporate her spirituality.”
“The visual design of a virtual human was a challenge, as she already has a large fan base. We used motion capture and facial capture but felt that a simple photo-realistic CG style would not be able to capture KAF’s personality well and we did not want her to resemble someone in real life, but rather to stylize and incorporate her spirituality.
“By retaining the photo-realistic texture, we sought to create a new expression as a Japanese V-artist with a sense of realism and reality despite its virtual existence.
“As for the video, we took a different approach to express the mystique of the virtual singer. As an artist, the theme of KAF is to bridge the gap between the virtual and the real. The space is filled with lines of light flying around expressing the mentality of her and the virtual. This space in memory expresses a fictional Tokyo that resembles reality. The music video revolves around these two themes.”
Artist: KAF, Mondo Grosso
Production: Kamitsubaki Studio
Production Manager:Kentaro Iwaki (THINKR)
Producer:Hideyuki Negishi (THINKR)
CG Production:Khaki
Director:Hironobu Nagasawa
CG Director,Virtual Human Design:Hirokazu Yokohara (Khaki)
Motion Capture Operator:Mishio Hirai (Khaki)
CG Artist:Yota Tasaki, Yuri Nigo, Toi Ikeno, Nozomu Akazawa, Taichi Ito (Khaki)
Compositor:Kotomi Kawasaki, Koh Yamamoto, Hibiki Takeya (Khaki), Kotaro Yamazaki (FLUX), Manami Kishi, Takeshi Kajiwara (spice), Kenichi Sasaki
CG Producer:Makoto Yura (Khaki)
Project Manager:Kazuma Kase (Khaki)
CG Producer:Yasuaki Miyatake (FLUX)
Graphic Design:Tomotaka Iwasa