With a nod to the original 2005 Nickelodeon animated series, Imaginary Forces CDs Anthony Gibbs and Tosh Kodama hint at the drama and conflict underlying the new Netflix live-action version of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Tosh Kodama and Anthony Gibbs: “This teaser had to appeal to many people, but it couldn’t alienate the true fans. Those are the people who are going to spread the word and get excited about it.
“So, with the symbol in the beginning, we really teased it out. You can see just a glimpse of it, and then it gets revealed throughout. It’s creating this energy and power behind the show and, ultimately, the full build-up of the symbols. It’s a simple concept, but sometimes those are the most challenging and rewarding projects to work on.
“The interesting thing is that because it’s simple, we really had to dig deep. We found many creative possibilities in each symbol (they all have their own personalities) and explored how they behaved. We reflected that in the audio with instruments that matched the environments of each nation to create a more immersive experience.”
Client: Netflix
Production: Imaginary Forces
Creative Director: Anthony Gibbs, Tosh Kodama
Animation: Scott Bell, Jake Ferguson, Christoph Gabathuler, Caleb Ollivant, Alex Rupert
Producer: Jordan Sharon
Coordinator: Jake Fritz
Editor: Lexi Gunvaldson
Compositor: Martin Karlsson
Storyboard Artist: Gordan Kljucec
Music/sound design: Eleven Sound