Guillermo Del Toro Knows “Love is the Answer”

Polyester Studio’s insightful new animated content for TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) features the voice of Guillermo Del Toro advocating how in work and in life “we must choose love over fear.”

The narration is an excerpt from a Q&A with Del Toro recorded at TIFF 2017 about “The Shape of Water.”
Guillermo del Toro TIFF Polyester Studio animated content| STASH MAGAZINE

Guillermo del Toro TIFF Polyester Studio animated content| STASH MAGAZINE

Guillermo del Toro TIFF Polyester Studio animated content| STASH MAGAZINE

Guillermo del Toro TIFF Polyester Studio animated content| STASH MAGAZINE

Client: TIFF / Toronto International Film Festival

Production: Polyester Studio
Creative Direction: Jeremy Dimmock
Producer: Robyn Smale
Animation and art: Oliver Dead, Ariel Costa, Yuki Yamada, Kristian Duffy, Sarah Choi, Kaya Horiya
Final compositing and colour correcting: Bob Zagorskis

Music / sound design: Jeff Moberg
Narration: Guillermo Del Toro