FutureDeluxe Plays With Time and Movement for Hublot

Leaning away from the stark beauty of the ongoing CG luxury watch wars, the motion team at FutureDeluxe frames the mechanical precision of Hublot’s Unico movement in time-warped and fashion-forward live-action.

Ben Black, FutureDeluxe associate creative director: “As always with our Hublot projects it was an exciting challenge to bring the precision and beauty of their products to life, while this time seamlessly integrating them into live-action sequences.

“We developed the visual concept and art direction around the idea of controlling time through movement, representing this through a range of live-action and cinematic techniques.”

“Considerable effort was dedicated to crafting the lighting for the watch pieces that felt both integrated and stylish. Ensuring smooth transitions between fully computer-generated shots and live-action scenes was important. We spent a lot of time refining these transitions to maintain the film’s flow, a process that needed many iterations and fine-tuning.

“We developed the visual concept and art direction around the idea of controlling time through movement, representing this through a range of live-action and cinematic techniques, by stretching and compressing time itself. These were informed by and integrated alongside CG and typographic explorations in Hublot’s first live-action film.”
Hublot Unico Lifestyle by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

Hublot Unico Lifestyle by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

Hublot Unico Lifestyle by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

Hublot Unico Lifestyle by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

Hublot Unico Lifestyle by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Hublot

Production: FutureDeluxe
Director: FutureDeluxe
ECD: Curtis Baigent
EP: Svet Lapcheva
CD: Kristian Glenn
Associate Creative Director: Ben Black
Live Action Producer: Erinn Fitzgerald
Production Manager: Ross Campbell
CG Producer: Alexia Guenon des Mesnards, Natalie Greenwood, Tiffany Brathwaite
Art Director: Yas Vicente
Designer/Animator: Stevie Rees, Adam Samson, Luke Parker, Dagmar Irrig, Liam Henderson, Luca Struchen, Sasha Gudkova, Hayden Martin, Peter Kent
Modeler: Flavio Diniz, Marcelo Souza, Nemanja Ivanovic, Ben Parker
VFX: Slavko Gavric
VFX Supervisor: Peter Eszenyi
Story board/Concept Art: Sylvie Minois

Live Action Director: Eddie Whelan, Kristian Glenn
Photographer: Steph Wilson
Live Action Producer: Erinn Fitzgerald
Production Manager: Ross Campbell
1st AD: Elle Lotherington
DOP: Rob Jarvis
Stylist: Pegah Maleknejad
Makeup Artist: Rebecca Wordingham
Hair Stylist: Sophie Jane Anderson
Manicurist: Cherrie Snow
Post Production Motion: POD LDN
Post Production Stills: Studio Private
1ST AC: Klim Jurevicius
2ND AC: Evangeline Perkins
DIT: Luke Kneafsey
Playback: Chaz Northam
Key Grip: Nick Teulon
Grip Assistant: Trevino Williams
Gaffer: Krunal Saadrani
Desk OP: Eddie Cook
Choreographer: Liv Lockwood
Choreographer Assistant: Folu Odimayo
Stylist Assistant: Keeley Dawson, Jolene Chen, Holly Ugolini
Makeup Assistant: Tamsin Ballingall, Hanna Friedrich
Hair Assistant: Clare Hurford
BTS: Timi Akindele-Ajani

Grade: Coffee & TV
Colorist: George Neave

Original soundtrack: Verraco
Music supervisor: Joe Howard

Sound mix: Echoic