Cub Studio, the Brighton-based animation crew who infuse charm into subjects like how to make a proper cup of tea and Trumpian factoids, just released this short film about a prideful Red Triangle learning about diversity and inclusion.
Cub Studio co-founders Ben Skinner and Fraser Davidson: “We created Spike the Red Triangle as a passion project that allowed us to experiment with new animation techniques and also step out of our comfort zone and writing style.
The concept was born from numerous over-coffee discussions about what we’d watched on TV that morning whilst feeding children and a desire to explore a more narrative story-based animation from our usual work.
‘The animation fuses together several techniques and styles to create a visually flat 3D world that opens up character animation opportunities in Cinema 4D, then bringing everything into After Effects including Procreate facial features and Joysticks and Sliders mouths and limbs, compositing the elements together cohesively.
“The latter elements allow us to significantly improve production time. This multi-discipline approach allows both the studio and team to develop new skills and techniques and creatively collaborate.”
Production: Cub Studio
Director: Fraser Davidson
Writer: Fraser Davidson, Vicky Davidson
Animator: Sean Proctor, Simon Tibbs, Fraser Davidson
Spike: Dave Bibby
Cloud: Merle Currie
Puddle: Ray Davidson
Tree: Stuart Wakeford
Moon: Peter Beaumont
Audio: Morgan Samuel