Director Alexandra Májová Comes Clean in Short Film “Pračka” (“Washing Machine”)

After a stellar multi-year journey thru the festival circuit, the quirky charm of Pračka, Czech illustrator/animator Alexandra Májová’s short film about love and unruly home appliances, is now available for your online viewing pleasure.

Májová, who refers to the project as “a humorous and minimalist parable of human relationships”, studied her craft at FAMU in Prague and during an internship at the Estonian Academy Of Art in Tallinn under the one and only Priit Pärn and Ülo Pikkov.

Her professional credits include directing the animated children’s series Hungry Bear Tales for Bionaut Film with Kateřina Karhánková and she currently illustrates children’s books and creates films and animation with partner Martin Máj at Májovi Studio in Prague.
Alexandra Majova short film Pracka Washing Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

Alexandra Majova short film Pracka Washing Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

Alexandra Majova short film Pracka Washing Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

Alexandra Majova short film Pracka Washing Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

Alexandra Majova short film Pracka Washing Machine | STASH MAGAZINE
Director/animator: Alexandra Májová
Script: Alexandra Májová, Martin Máj
Storyboard: Alexandra Májová
Compositing: Alexandra Májová
Editor: Michal Reich

Sound Designer: Jan Richtr

Distributor: Kurzfilm Sales Hamburg