Posted on October 7, 2019
For their latest animated commercial for ASN Bank thru Amsterdam agency Selmore, the Ambassadors crew mix miniature sets and CG characters to make a serious (and timely) point about how the bank refuses to deal with shady regimes. [Watch]
Posted on September 24, 2019
Here’s your inspiration break for the day: a two-minute preview of STASH 137 – the latest compilation of 31 energizing motion design, animation, and VFX projects inducted into the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Branded Content, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Student Work, Titles, Typography, VFX · Tags Alice Jaunet, Beatrice Viguier, Bipolar Studio, Bugbrain, Chan Stéphie Peang, Chuck Eklectric, Cristóbal Vila, Elastic, Electric Theatre Collective, Fanelie Muselier, Florian Renner, foam studio, Found Studio, Framestore, James Brocklebank, Jonathan Lindgren, Laura Jayne Hodkin, Lobo, Marie Ciesielski, Melanie Lopez, Michele Durazzi, MPC, Ordinary Folk, Post Office Studios, Scrambled Studio, Simon Boucly, Substance, Team Tumult, The Mill, Toby Auberg, Too Much Fun, Vetor Zero, WeCanMake, YK Animation Studio, Yves Paradis
Posted on September 8, 2019
Thanks to the scale and emotion of this Toyota spot from director Rune Milton (with VFX by Copenhagen’s TGBVFX and Mikael Balle VFX), UK teen Lilly Rice’s quest to boost the profile of WCMX (wheelchair motor cross) just leaped into the mainstream. [Watch]
Posted on September 6, 2019
The first third of this music video by director Ian Pons Jewell (for UK musician/comedian Beardyman) is good fun but then at the 1:40 mark – thanks to the VFX crew at ETC – it turns into one of the most intense Pinocchio parodies of all time. [Watch]
Posted on August 31, 2019
The Amazon Original series “Carnival Row” premiered August 30th on a sinister note thanks to these opening titles crafted by CD Lisa Bolan and the Elastic crew to anticipate the show’s rich and detailed mix of fantasy, dystopia, and mystery. [Watch]
Posted on August 28, 2019
For director/motion designer Giovanni Bucci, who has collaborated with artists and brands ranging from Korn to Red Bull, making a video for his own band ODDKO’s song “Disobey,” together with his longtime partner, art director/motion designer Paola Rocchetti, was a new yet seamless experience. [Watch]