Inspirational copy over footage of fearless young athletes is not new. Neither are photo-real CG snails. But this rousing spot for Samsung from Park Pictures director AG Rojas with VFX and grade from MPC LA combines both elements (plus original music from Barking Owl) into something fresh and invigorating. [Watch]
Ready for visual overload? Then you’re gonna love Stash 118 as it jams yet another 31 video projects into the Stash Permanent Collection – the planet’s largest online archive of design, animation and VFX, plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Stop Motion, Student Work, VFX · Tags Stash
Blink director Dougal Wilson crafts a potentially disastrous brief into an uplifting and emotional joy with his fearless musical treatment of Channel 4’s campaign for the 2016 Rio Paralympics with MPC providing VFX across 144 shots, including extensive crowd replication and creation of the new Rio stadium in CG. [Watch]
Nice insight into the massive and masterful water simulations from Paris VFX and post powerhouse Digital District in this :45 for Peugeot’s 2008 crossover directed by Partizan’s Antoine Bardou-Jacquet thru BETC Paris. [Watch]
Forty-four third year Bachelor of Art and Design students at the Media Design School in Auckland, New Zealand turn the jet-black humor of Edward Gorey’s “Accidents, Blunders and Calamitiesis” loose on 30 unlucky CG creatures in this mini-masterwork of seamless VFX and beat-perfect comic timing. [Watch]
Fun to watch even without the VR headgear, “Does Not Exist” claims to be the first music video for a track composed specifically for mixing in 3D sound. The film features London beatboxer Reeps One (aka Harry Yeff) and spatial audio created by Aurelia Soundworks with production, editorial and VFX by The Mill. [Watch]