Hembree "Reach Out" Music Video by Igor + Valentine and Carpenter Collective | STASH MAGAZINE

Hembree “Reach Out” Music Video by Igor + Valentine and Carpenter Collective

The Kansas City combo of indie rockers Hembree and design studio Carpenter Collective join forces with the animation talents at Igor + Valentine on a warm and jaunty music video powered by the band’s new track “Reach Out”. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Netflix "These are your Rights" by Buck and Adam Lambert | STASH MAGAZINE

Buck and Adam Lambert Count us Through the Bill of Rights

The 10-episode Netflix series “We the People” makes brilliant use of animation and music in its quest to engage teens in the US civic and political processes. For example, Buck and Adam Lambert counting us through the Bill of Rights. [Watch]

Adobe "Creativity Explained - Type" by oddfellows | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe “Creativity Explained – Type” by oddfellows

In the first chapter of Adobe’s “Creativity Explained” series, the oddfellows crew translates the warmth and wisdom of German typographer/designer/author Erik Spiekermann into an inspirational mini-manifesto for creatives everywhere. [Watch]

Ordinary Folk Take on "Flibbertigibbet" for Animography’s A Word a Week | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk Take on “Flibbertigibbet” for Animography’s A Word a Week

Ordinary Folk in Vancouver: “If you have a half-hour to kill, try saying ‘flibbertigibbet’ three times fast. If you only have 20 seconds, watch this film and listen to each of us trying to say it once.” [Watch]

Crypto Art Questions? Bee Grandinetti has the Answers | STASH MAGAZINE

Crypto Art Questions? Bee Grandinetti has the Answers

Confused by NFTs and #cryptoart? UK director/animator Bee Grandinetti feels your pain, looks into the problem and provides her conclusion in this bite-sized morsel of animated fun. [Watch]