Stash issue 160 preview trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
2023 Promax Awards Shows opening Elevation | STASH MAGAZINE

Elevation Opens 2023 Promax Awards Shows

Led by executive creative director Stephen Cocks, a compact design and motion team at Elevation in Atlanta crafts a sprawling design system to brand all five 2023 conferences and award shows for Promax. [Watch]

Secret-Invasion-Titles-Method | STASH-MAGAZINE

AI-Generated Titles for Marvel’s “Secret Invasion” Series Unleashes Backlash

The debate about the use of AI in the film and motion industry just reached its first official boiling point with headlines on multiple continents and a wave of anger on social media over the titles of Marvel’s Secret Invasion series. [Watch]

NBA Finals on ESPN graphics Panoply | STASH MAGAZINE

Panoply Adds Shimmer to the NBA Finals for ESPN

If you’ve been watching the NBA playoffs on ESPN you no doubt wondered (like us) who designed the glittering graphics package. Mystery solved: the studio is London’s Panoply who are here to share their process and R&D reel. [Watch]

Semi Permanent 2023 titles Filipe Carvalho | STASH MAGAZINE

Filipe Carvalho Opens Semi Permanent 2023

The 2023 edition of the Semi Permanent festival launched in Sydney last week with this quizzical animated title sequence by Emmy-winning designer/AD Filipe Carvalho reflecting on this year’s theme of reformation. [Watch]

What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears doc Syndrome Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Syndrome Studio Packages “What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears?” Feature Doc

Syndrome Studio co-founders Mars Sandoval and Micah Hancock in LA: “A political thriller with a classic rock band at the heart, What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears? uncovers the hidden story behind the band’s 1970 Eastern Europe tour”. [Watch]