2018 AICP sponsor reel Gentleman Scholar animation | STASH MAGAZINE

2018 AICP Sponsor Reel by Gentleman Scholar

The 27th AICP Show opened in NYC this week at The Museum of Modern Art with plenty of wit, whimsy, and wordplay supplied by director William Campbell and the Gentleman Scholar crew. [Watch]

OFFF Barcelona 2018 Main Titles by GIANTSTEP

GIANTSTEP directors Jake Ferguson and Heebok Lee on their opening titles for the OFFF Barcelona 2018 conference: “This sequence is about McLuhan’s famous quote ‘The medium is the message’ infused with the Greek myth of Gemini. [Watch]

James Cameron’s Story Of Science Fiction Main Title AMC Elastic Duncan Elms | STASH MAGAZINE

Main Title for “James Cameron’s Story Of Science Fiction” on AMC

Creative Director Duncan Elms at Elastic in LA: “The series had six episodes with the themes, Alien life, Time Travel, Space Exploration, Dark Futures, Intelligent Machines, and Monsters. [Watch]

Capacity PromaxGAMES sponsor titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Capacity Opens PromaxGAMES 2018

LA studio Capacity opened the PromaxGames Summit in San Francisco this week with these ambitious sponsor titles riffing on an open world version of the host city jammed with action and fun. [Watch]

Motion-Motion festival titles nobl | STASH MAGAZINE

Motion-Motion Festival Title Sequence by nöbl

Title sequence for Motion-Motion, the graphic arts festival in Nantes, France (Saturday May 19, 2018) by French studio nöbl. [Watch]

FITC Toronto 2018 titles Joshua Davis | STASH MAGAZINE

FITC Toronto 2018 Titles by Joshua Davis and Saad Moosajee

Joshua Davis and Saad Moosajee: “The title sequence for FITC Toronto 2018 is built on the theme of Transform. [Watch]