“Ant-Man and the Wasp” Main-on-End Titles by Elastic

Elastic: “At long last, Elastic is thrilled to share the Main on End for Marvel’s Ant-Man and The Wasp, from creative director Andy Hall and the team. [Watch]

Deadpool 2 main titles John Likens | STASH MAGAZINE

Director John Likens on “Deadpool 2” Opening Titles

NY director/designer John Likens (who just won the 2018 Emmy Award for Outstanding Graphic Design and Art Direction for his work on the doc “Blood Road”) reveals how his CG title sequence for “Deadpool 2” came together at Method Studios. [Watch]

THE DEVIL WE KNOW | Main Title Sequence BEN RADATZ motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Devil We Know” Main Title by Ben Radatz

Director/designer Ben Radatz reteams with acclaimed documentarian Stephanie Soechtig to create the opening titles for “The Devil We Know,” her investigation into US chemical giant Dupont and their controversial Teflon product. [Watch]

Terrible, Thanks For Asking Animated Podcast Intro Demo Duck.com | STASH MAGAZINE

“Terrible, Thanks For Asking” Intro by Demo Duck

“Terrible, Thanks For Asking” animated podcast intro by Demo Duck [Watch]

FITC Camp 2018 Titles animation Buck | STASH MAGAZINE

Camp 2018 Titles by Buck

FITC’s Camp 2018 event launched today in the wilds of Calgary with these delicious/hilarious 2D animated titles from ECD Ryan Honey and the Buck crew all powered by the musical talents of Steve Day, Marc Steinberg, and Andy Lyon. [Watch]

H.R. Giger Kim Gryun animated short film titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Using H.R. Giger as a Muse

Kim Gryun, a designer/animator at GIANTSTEP in Seoul, South Korea, responded to the studio’s latest in-house DesignRelay motion study group theme of “H.R. Giger” with this carefully lit and richly detailed take on “Alien.” [Watch]