Girl in the Spider’s Web Main Title Sequence by Elastic | STASH MAGAZINE

“Girl in the Spider’s Web” Main Title Sequence

Elastic creative directors Lisa Bolan and Nadia Tzuo opened Sony Pictures’ “Girl in the Spider’s Web” with inky, sinister CG to create “metaphor and abstract visual language to hint at the main character’s untold history.” [Watch]

DC Doom Patrol series Main Titles | STASH MAGAZINE

“Doom Patrol” Main Titles by Elastic

The latest incarnation of DC’s “Doom Patrol,” a 15-episode web series based on characters created in 1963 by Arnold Drake, Bob Haney, and Bruno Premiani, opens with this archly harrowing series of tableaux created by the Elastic design team. [Watch]

Netflix Polar end titles by Worship | STASH MAGAZINE

Netflix “Polar” End Titles by Worship

Polar, the Netflix action film directed by Jonas Åkerlund and based on Víctor Santos’ comic series, winds down with this arresting end credit sequence directed by Toronto’s Worship studio and produced by Tendril. [Watch]

FITC Amsterdam 2019 Titles by Maxim Zhestkov

The sold-out 12th edition of FITC’s design and tech event in Amsterdam opened with these CG titles by Russian visual artist and motion designer Maxim Zhestkov doing what he does best. [Watch]

Stash 133 preview trailer | STASH MAGAZINE