Nirad Bugs Russell Massmarket | STASH MAGAZINE

Nirad “Bugs” Russell: New East Coast EP at MassMarket

After 10 years split between the London and New York offices of Absolute Post, Nirad “Bugs” Russell moves to the Lower East Side as MassMarket‘s new East Coast EP. [Watch]


Rob Petrie Joins MPC NY as CG CD

After 12 years at the The Mill studios in London and then New York (as head of 3D and CD at Mill+), Rob Petrie moves across Broadway to take over as CG creative director at MPC NY. [Watch]


Jesse Kurnit Joins MPC NY as Head of Production

Jesse Kurnit moves from Transistor Studios to MPC NY as head of production to oversee all VFX work as well as building MPC’s client base. [Watch]

Who Fu Nathan Love | STASH MAGAZINE

Nathan Love Answers the Question “Who Fu?”

Director/illustrator Magico and AD/illustrator Masayoshi Nakamura (aka husband and wife directing duo Who Fu) join the roster at Nathan Love in NYC. [Watch]

nomad David Ziek | STASH MAGAZINE

Ziek Leads Nomad’s New VFX Division

Former Digital Domain VFX producer David Ziek (Tron, X-Men: First Class) launches the new VFX division of bi-coastal editorial/graphic/audio shop Nomad as EP. [Watch]

Cub Studio The Academy | STASH MAGAZINE

The Academy Adds Cub Studio to Roster

London animation/graphics shop Cub Studio, founded by design industry veterans Fraser Davidson and Ben Skinner, signs with Seattle animation studio The Academy for commercial representation in the U.S. [Watch]