VFX Marco Polsinelli | STASH MAGAZINE

Marco Polsinelli Joins Fort York as VFX Supervisor and Flame Artist

Toronto-based Fort York VFX is pleased to announce that Marco Polsinelli has joined its team as VFX Supervisor and Flame Artist. [Watch]

Part One Stockholm | STASH MAGAZINE

Stockholm’s Part One joins Anchor Point Roster

Anchor Point, has added newly formed Stockholm-based Part One to its roster for exclusive representation in the United States. [Watch]

Antimatter Gerber Millenial Parenting moments | STASH MAGAZINE

Millennial Parenting Moments (Director’s cut)

From Antimatter in Milan, Italy: “Gerber Life Insurance is one of the top direct-response marketing insurance companies and a leading provider of juvenile life insurance. We were commissioned to create this short video to celebrate their 50th anniversary.” [Watch]


Veteran VFX Supervisor Nick Davis joins MPC

MPC Film is delighted to announce that Nick Davis has joined their multi-award winning team as VFX Supervisor. [Watch]


Trevor Noah on the Power of Humor by Eoin Duffy

Eoin Duffy: “Trevor Noah details the far reach of laughter. A tool that houses the power to unknowingly connect two opposing individuals.” [Watch]

Blacklist Geoffroy de Crécy | STASH MAGAZINE

Calm and Beautiful “Loops” by Geoffroy de Crécy

Director/illustrator Geoffroy de Crécy in Paris: “This is about creating loops in a world deserted by humans. Only the mechanical systems they created for their comfort keep on animating space.” [Watch]