Jesse Collett School of Life Sexual non-liberation | STASH MAGAZINE

Jesse Collett Explores “Sexual Non-Liberation” for the School of Life

Jesse Collett Explores “Sexual Non-Liberation” for the School of Life [Watch]

Nic Seresin and Executive Producer Yvonne Apollonio Underground | STASH MAGAZINE

Boutique Post Production Studio The Underground Launches in New York

Boutique Post Production Studio The Underground Launches in New York [Watch]

Frame PH5_Poulsen | STASH MAGAZINE

Frame Deconstructs Louis Poulsen’s Classic PH5 Lamp

Frame Deconstructs Louis Poulsen’s Classic PH5 Lamp | STASH MAGAZINE [Watch]

NY Times Conception series | STASH MAGAZINE | STASH MAGAZINE

Jordan Bruner for the NY Times’ Conception Series

Jordan Bruner sets her chapter of the NY Times’ Conception series apart with a deep-toned and fractured treatment of an intimate four-minute story detailing “A Mother’s Decision to Live” despite her severe postpartum depression. [Watch]

Tobias Wuestefeld_OFFF Milano 2018 | STASH MAGAZINE

OFFF Milano Trailer 2018 by Tobias Wüstefeld

OFFF Milano Trailer 2018 by Hamburg designer/director Tobias Wuestefeld with sound design by Nikolai von Sallwitz. [Watch]

Crap: A Beeple Retrospective | STASH MAGAZINE

Holy Crap! It’s a Beeple Retrospective

MAXON is excited to announce the incredible work of 3D artist Mike Winkelmann, best known in the creative community the world over as Beeple, [Watch]