Tonic DNA logo Montreal animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Montreal’s Studio Pascal Blais Rebrands as TONIC DNA

Just in time for its 35th anniversary, internationally acclaimed Studio Pascal Blais has reinvented its brand with a new name and image [Watch]


Los York Films Launches with a Roster of Eight Directors

Los York today announced the launch of Los York Films and its roster of eight directors, including the company’s first female director, Lindsey Byrnes.​​ ​ [Watch]

Felipe Di Poi Tamargo "Weird Movies" | STASH MAGAZINE

Felipe Di Poi Tamargo and Steven Markow Like “Weird Movies”

Brooklyn director/writer/animator/performer Felipe Di Poi Tamargo animates the innermost confessions of writer/comedian Steven Markow. [Watch]

1stAveMachine director Anthony Dickenson | STASH MAGAZINE

1stAveMachine Reinforces Directorial Roster Signing Anthony Dickenson

1stAveMachine Reinforces Directorial Roster Signing Anthony Dickenson [Watch]

Ntropic Dave White Head of CG | STASH MAGAZINE

Ntropic Welcomes Dave White as Head of CG

Ntropic Welcomes Dave White as Head of CG [Watch]

Big Block Jennette MacLachlan Executive Producer | STASH MAGAZINE

Big Block Names Jennette MacLachlan Executive Producer

Big Block, the creative content studio known for its innovative work and unique integrated approach, today named Jennette MacLachlan as Executive Producer. [Watch]