FlippingFilip: Unpleasant Nap 2D animated Game Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Flipping Filip Game Trailer “Unpleasant Nap” by Mehdi Alibeygi

Mehdi Alibeygi: “Flipping Filip is a highly stylized 2D puzzle-adventure game by Deedema Games with fully hand-drawn animations. [Watch]

“Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” Main Titles by Erin Sarofsky

Director/designer Erin Sarofsky in Chicago: We were asked to create a main title creatively reflecting Samantha’s tone, persona, and content. [Watch]

Troublemakers Luca & Sinem Bernie Roux | STASH MAGAZINE

TROUBLEMAKERS.tv Signs Bernie Roux and Luca & Sinem

TROUBLEMAKERS.tv Signs Bernie Roux and Luca & Sinem [Watch]

MUZ-TV IDs by Loop

Fun new IDs for Russian music TV channel MUZ-TV via the crew at Moscow Studio LOOP and sound house Monoleak. [Watch]

Shared Memories Benjamin Bardou Ash Thorp short film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Shared Memories” by Benjamin Bardou and Ash Thorp

Shared Memories is a collaboration of two artists, Benjamin Bardou and Ash Thorp, exploring the synergy between film and volumetric camera projection into the realm of Impressionism. [Watch]

We Are Royale Adds Creative Director Chad Howitt | STASH MAGAZINE

We Are Royale Add Creative Director Chad Howitt

Creative & digital agency We Are Royale (Royale) has welcomed Chad Howitt as Creative Director. [Watch]