Bulleit Tattoo Edition: New York and Portland by Golden Wolf
Golden Wolf: “Working with our friends at Barton F. Graf, we created these two spots for Bulleit’s Limited Tattoo Edition bottles! Cheers!” [Watch]
Golden Wolf: “Working with our friends at Barton F. Graf, we created these two spots for Bulleit’s Limited Tattoo Edition bottles! Cheers!” [Watch]
Final Frontier further bolstered its team in Asia this week, naming Chris Colman as executive producer at the company’s Shanghai studio. [Watch]
Infinite Fiction recently boosted their roster with the addition of seasoned Lead Designer Cody Clack and Executive Producer Amy Aitken. [Watch]
Brickyard Filmworks has named Bill Goodell as Executive Producer. [Watch]
Walter Campbell Joins MPC London as Creative Head of Business Development [Watch]
Director/animator Daniel Stankler in London: “This is my graduation animation from the RCA. It’s a campy gothic fairytale and an analogy on the ways Tinder and social media allow us to objectify each other in the world of online dating. [Watch]