Bulleit Tattoo Edition - New York and Portland Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Bulleit Tattoo Edition: New York and Portland by Golden Wolf

Golden Wolf: “Working with our friends at Barton F. Graf, we created these two spots for Bulleit’s Limited Tattoo Edition bottles! Cheers!” [Watch]

Final Frontier Chris Colman | STASH MAGAZINE

Final Frontier Names Chris Colman as Executive Producer

Final Frontier further bolstered its team in Asia this week, naming Chris Colman as executive producer at the company’s Shanghai studio. [Watch]

Cody Clack Amy Aitken Infinite Fiction | STASH MAGAZINE

Designer Cody Clack and EP Amy Aitken Join Infinite Fiction

Infinite Fiction recently boosted their roster with the addition of seasoned Lead Designer Cody Clack and Executive Producer Amy Aitken. [Watch]

Industry Veteran Bill Goodell Joins Brickyard

Brickyard Filmworks has named Bill Goodell as Executive Producer. [Watch]

Walter Campbell Joins MPC London VFX Post production | STASH MAGAZINE

Walter Campbell Joins MPC London as Creative Head of Business Development

Walter Campbell Joins MPC London as Creative Head of Business Development [Watch]

Should You Meet A Lady In A Darkened Wood short animated film Daniel Stankler | STASH MAGAZINE

“Should You Meet A Lady In A Darkened Wood” by Daniel Stankler

Director/animator Daniel Stankler in London: “This is my graduation animation from the RCA. It’s a campy gothic fairytale and an analogy on the ways Tinder and social media allow us to objectify each other in the world of online dating. [Watch]