From Sun Creature Studio: “‘The Princess & the Green Knight’ is a fantastical animation sequence appearing in episode 7 (‘Shalom Motherf***er’) of Amazon’s original series Hunters. “In a flashback sequence, Ruth reveals her history in the Auschwitz camp during the Second World War to her grandson Jonah. The story is told in the context of […] [Watch]
Designer/director Matt Smithson (aka one half of Igor + Valentine): “Made for fun to switch the focus from virus things to the beautiful bloomering earth around me. Bloom bloompt blummed, spring has sprung.” [Watch]
Director/animator Robertas Nevecka in Vilnius, Lithuania: “The curious routines of film set people killing time in quarantine. Based on daily film set illustrations.” [Watch]
Imaginary Forces is excited to share some good news, Creative Director Izik Roitman is joining their ranks. Roitman is eager to bring his technical eye to a studio that greatly values creative possibilities. [Watch]
UN Secretary-General António Guterres: “We are in an unprecedented situation and the normal rules no longer apply. We cannot resort to the usual tools in such unusual times. [Watch]
Canadian motion designer, animator, and illustrator Deanna Reilly in Dublin, Ireland: “A short looping animation in the theme of one of my favorite past times – roller skating! [Watch]