HBO Asia Lunar New Year ID by JL Design and Mixcode | STASH MAGAZINE

HBO Asia Lunar New Year ID by JL Design and MixCode

JL Design in Taipei, Taiwan: “This ident is for an HBO Asia channel that has both Chinese and Western audiences. We cooperated with Mixcode to use mahjong as the main visual element throughout the film. [Watch]

Hyperbola Branding Film by Muzixiii Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Hyperbola Branding Film by Muzixiii Studio

Taipei 3D specialists Muzixiii Studio just bolted onto the Stash radar with this bustling and playful branding film for Taiwan eco-fabric maker Hyperbola. [Watch]

"Sony Mixtape" CG Short Film by INK | STASH MAGAZINE

“Sony Mixtape” CG Mini-Short by INK

CG animation and design specialists INK in London: “We pay homage to the wizards of miniaturization with our brand new playful animation dedicated to the original Sony Walkman. [Watch]

“Silent Road” Opening Titles by Yeti Pictures | STASH MAGAZINE

“Silent Road” Opening Titles by Yeti Pictures

Yeti Pictures in Athens: “We were invited by Filmiki Productions to create the opening titles for the TV mini-series Silent Road. The result is a full 3D cinematic sequence based on the story and script of the series, but also giving a lyric and poetic point of view.” [Watch]

Flowe Mobile App Design Case Study by Illo | STASH MAGAZINE

Flowe Mobile App Illustration and Animation Case Study by Illo

Illo creative director Ilenia Notarangelo in Turin, Italy: “Flowe is the fintech app developed by Mediolanum Bank for the Generation Z audience, providing a guide for first bank accounts and useful tips on saving.” [Watch]

Ordinary Folk Take on "Flibbertigibbet" for Animography’s A Word a Week | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk Take on “Flibbertigibbet” for Animography’s A Word a Week

Ordinary Folk in Vancouver: “If you have a half-hour to kill, try saying ‘flibbertigibbet’ three times fast. If you only have 20 seconds, watch this film and listen to each of us trying to say it once.” [Watch]