IRC Alone Boys Can’t Build The Future Jocie Juritz | STASH MAGAZINE

IRC “Alone Boys Cannot Build The Future” Brand Film by Jocie Juritz

Jocie Juritz: “In July, the International Rescue Committee talked with schoolgirls in Afghanistan about their fears for the future, and hopes of getting an education despite the country’s turmoil and repeated threats of violence.” [Watch]

Arrow Innovating Mobility Coat of Arms | STASH MAGAZINE

Arrow “Innovating Mobility” Brand Film by Coat of Arms

CDs Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque at Coat of Arms (Helvetia, WV, and Chicago): “This video, part of a series to be released over the next few months, celebrates the technological advances Arrow Electronics is making in personal freedom as it relates to semi-autonomous mobility. [Watch]

A-Dearly-Bought-Kiss-short-film-Christa-Jarrold | STASH MAGAZINE

“A Dearly Bought Kiss” (or a Legal Lesson for Lechers) by Christa Jarrold

Illustrator and animator Christa Jarrold in London: “Told through the voices of modern teens (with a twist of trap music), this 60-second film recounts the story of Saverland Vs Newton, a case that set a legal precedent in 1837.” [Watch]

Zhiben Dermal Defender Pablo Alfieri Final Frontier | STASH MAGAZINE

Zhiben “Dermal Defender” Brand Film by Pablo Alfieri and Final Frontier

From the team at Final Frontier: “This 30-second 3D motion graphics piece introduces Zhiben’s new Dermal Defender range of products. [Watch]

Cupra Seven Seconds Glassworks | STASH MAGAZINE

Cupra “Seven Seconds” Spot by Erik Morales, Miquel Diaz Pont, and Glassworks

From the team at Glassworks: “The Cupra Seven Seconds campaign, created by agency &Rosàs and production company Primo, is structured around the idea that it only takes seven seconds to form an impression. [Watch]

Wieden+Kennedy-London-Wants-You!-Sellout | STASH MAGAZINW

Wieden+Kennedy London Wants You!

Wieden+Kennedy London is cruising for advertising creatives. Here’s their pitch: Sick of having great ideas and not getting paid for them? Look no further: Wieden+Kennedy London wants you! Give up on your dreams of being the next Tarantino or Kendrick and use that creative superpower for a paycheque and a job making ads for Nike. […] [Watch]