Merlot short film by Giulia Martinelli and Marta Gennari | STASH MAGAZINE

“Merlot” Short Film by Giulia Martinelli and Marta Gennari

Time to celebrate Labor Day with a bottle of wine and some light-hearted mayhem courtesy of directors Giulia Martinelli, Marta Gennari, and their graduation film “Merlot” created at the CSC National Film School in Turin, Italy. [Watch]

"My Dad's Name was Huw. He was an Alcoholic Poet" short film by Freddie Griffiths | STASH MAGAZINE

“My Dad’s Name was Huw. He was an Alcoholic Poet” by Freddie Griffiths

UK director/animator Freddie Griffiths: “An intimate and insightful documentary short unraveling the state of mind of my late alcoholic father through the poems he left behind. [Watch]

The Stained Club animated short film by Supinfocom | STASH MAGAZINE

Finding Hope and Friendship in “The Stained Club”

Back in 2005 Stash published “Over Time,” a breakout black and white CG short created at a French computer animation school I had never heard of called Supinfocom. Since then, we’ve featured no less than 42 short films from their students. [Watch]

The Redness of Red by animated short Emily Downe | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Redness of Red” Animated Short by Emily Downe

Animator/director/illustrator/designer Emily Downe in London: “What does it mean to be conscious in a world that is becoming increasingly artificially intelligent? Can machines really see? [Watch]

Tokyo Apocalypse Annecy for Goblins | STASH MAGAZINE

Just Another Tokusatsu Day in Tokyo

If you’ve ever wondered how ordinary Japanese citizens deal with the constant barrage of Tokusatsu monsters battling it out in their cities, Six Gobelins students finally reveal the answer in “Tokyo Apocalypse”. [Watch]

Hot and Tasty animated short film by Laura Jayne Hodkin | STASH MAGAZINE

“Hot and Tasty” by Laura Jayne Hodkin

Laura Jayne Hodkin: “Hot and Tasty is my graduation film from The Royal College of Art (2019) – Two drunk friends accidentally walk into a crime scene.”