Fun & Games short film by Bullpen | STASH MAGAZINE

“Fun & Games” Short Film by Bullpen

Aaron Kemnitzer, founder and ECD at Bullpen in NYC: “A tongue in cheek look at the fun and subversive activities we design and give our children. It’s all fun and games. Until it isn’t.” [Watch]

"Perseverance of the Frog" Short Film by Oh Yu Jun | STASH MAGAZINE

“Perseverance of the Frog” Short Film by Oh Yu Jun

Director/animator Oh Yu Jun in South Korea: “Ono No Michikaze was a Japanese calligrapher who lived in the Heian period (794–1185) and as the story goes, one day when he was feeling inadequate about his calligraphy he took a walk outside in the rain. [Watch]

Motionpoems On Lock Down by On Lockdown by Todd Boss and Calum Macdiarmid | STASH MAGAZINE

Motion Poems: “On Lockdown” by Calum Macdiarmid

Wonderfully minimal and melancholy vignettes by London director/animator Calum Macdiarmid provide a perfect compliment for a poem by Todd Boss reflecting on quarantine and the social trigger of George Floyd’s death. [Watch]

Pyramid short film by Ihsu Yoon | STASH MAGAZINE

“Pyramid” Short Film by Ihsu Yoon

South Korean artist and director Ihsu Yoon draws on his architectural schooling for his new personal project, an atmospheric short CG film called “Pyramid”. [Watch]

Lots of Love collaborative animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE
Tocatta short film by Optical Arts | STASH MAGAZINE

Gravity and Bach Collide in “Tocatta” by Optical Arts

Following on the success of their recent CG floral experiment, London’s Optical Arts keeps the exploratory spirit alive with this live-action ballet of poetic destruction shot at extremely high speeds (between 1000 and 5000 frames per second). [Watch]