The Box Assassin short film by Jeremy Schaefer | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Box Assassin” Short Film by Jeremy Schaefer

Director/animator Jeremy Schaefer at the Ringling College of Art and Design: “‘The Box Assassin’ is a short film about a pizza delivery boy’s unforgettable night of running into a slick, legendary assassin that defeats his enemies in clever ways you couldn’t imagine.” [Watch]

Patrick Dias Missed Connections short film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Missed Connections: Was that your limb?” Short Film by Patrick Dias

A wonderfully apocryphal real-life Craigslist Missed Connections ad takes on a loveable new life in this passion project from Toronto director/animator/designer Patrick Dias who mixes 2D and 3D into a modern urban fairy tale. [Watch]

“Brushes” with Greatness by The Dink

Designer/animator The Dink in London: “This experimental short follows the movement and personality of various household items. The environment that each brush finds itself in directly impacts the way they move, with each scene depicting a unique movement and flow providing an individual character to each brush. [Watch]

Eli Lilly Planimation short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Space Walking with Yves Geleyn in “Planimation”

In this expansive and poetic branded content film for Eli Lilly, Hornet director Yves Geleyn draws a parallel between the connectedness of the solar system and the importance of medical sequencing in cancer treatment. [Watch]

Social Distancing by Panoply | STASH MAGAZINE

“Social Distancing” Curiosity by Panoply

From Panoply on London: “Curiosities is an on-going series that explores a variety of ideas and concepts from the artistic to the technical. [Watch]

Bloeistraat 11 short film Nienke Deutz | STASH MAGAZINE

“Bloeistraat 11” Short Film by Nienke Deutz

Rotterdam director/animator Nienke Deutz explores the overwhelming emotions and awkward physicality of puberty in her gentle, multi-technique film “Bloeistraat 11”, winner of many festival awards including the Cristal du Court-Métrage at Annecy in 2018. [Watch]