"Online Whispers" CG Short Film by Thibault Zeller | STASH MAGAZINE

“Online Whispers” CG Short Film by Thibault Zeller

Thibault Zeller, director and co-founder of Ambrecollective in Paris: “Social networks connect us all but also spread a visceral hatred that makes us gradually lose our humanity. Therefore, we find ourselves interconnected and yet very distant from each other.” [Watch]

"The Lonely Orbit" Short Film by Team Tumult | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Lonely Orbit” Short Film by Team Tumult

A major hit on the festival circuit, this surprisingly emotional tale of a satellite technician and his battle with loneliness was created at Team Tumult in Zurich with Frederic Siegel and Benjamin Morard directing. [Watch]

"The Moon's Not That Great" Short Film by Mathieu Libman | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Moon’s Not That Great” Short Film by Mathieu Libman

The stories of an astronaut, a film director, and a unicycling bear all intersect in “The Moon’s Not That Great”, Mathieu Libman’s soft-spoken short film about dashed expectations and interplanetary popularity. [Watch]

"SkyFill" Short Film for a World Turned Upside Down | STASH MAGAZINE

“SkyFill” Short Film for a World Turned Upside Down

Trapped in quarantine, the animation and design crew at Trinetix (an enterprise software company in Kyiv, Ukraine) wondered about “the planet’s biggest problems, and how can an individual have a positive influence on their surroundings” [Watch]

Stash 145 video preview video | STASH MAGAZINE
Ted Hughes "The Crow" Animated Poetry by Playdead | STASH MAGAZINE

Ted Hughes “The Crow” Animated Poetry by Playdead

Kevin McCrae, CD and founder at Playdead in Glasgow: “We were commissioned by Matchlight (an independent Scottish production company), to create a series of hand-drawn animations for a feature-length documentary on the famous English poet Ted Hughes, for BBC Two. [Watch]