Vascolo Sushi Crush short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Kung Fu Meets Ursa Major in New “Sushi Crush” Short Film

We’re guessing the all-Buenos Aires team of animation/design studio Váscolo and Drop Music Branding had a blast making this action-comedy short featuring a legendary Kung Fu master, a very hungry bear, and their shared love of raw fish. [Watch]

Stash issue 161 | STASH MAGAZINE
Menno Fokma ORIGINS short film Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Menno Fokma Teases “ORIGINS” Short Film

While admitting he is still ambivalent about AI, Amsterdam-based director/digital artist Menno Fokma embraced the new technology to jump-start this proof of concept for a short film he describes as “a hyper-real nature simulation.” [Watch]

Polyester Studio Breathing Series | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Studio Wants You to Stay Calm and Animate On

Jeremy Dimmock, co-founder at Polyester Studio in Toronto: “In these times of stress and uncertainty, animators often feel a lack of control that causes us to be unaware we are breathing more rapidly and elevating our cortisol levels.” [Watch]

Awake Short Film by Harrison Vincent | STASH MAGAZINE

Harrison Vincent Searches for Purpose in Short Film “Awake”

Denver director/animator Harrison Vincent examines themes of identity, routine, and consciousness in his latest passion project, a CG short film he describes as “a sweeping Western epic with a touch of science fiction”. [Watch]

Omer Hirsch Save Your Work Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Omer Hirsch Urges You to “Save Your Work” in New Short Film

Omer Hirsch, 3D motion designer in Toronto: “This is a personal project which reflects the most frustrating pain point of every creative process: working like crazy while time flies by, only to have a crash and realize you can’t remember the last time you hit Ctrl+s.” [Watch]