Edouard Salier_Habana | STASH MAGAZINE

Edouard Salier and Digital District Invade “HABANA”

French director/graphic artist/designer/photographer Edouard Salier imagines a near-future Havana occupied by foreign forces and on the edge of civil war in his festival hit “HABANA,” a black and white short made all the more convincing with seamless VFX by Paris powerhouse Digital District. [Watch]

Eran Mendel_The Rimons | STASH MAGAZINE

Birthday Gifs: Eran Mendel Unleashes “The Rimons”

Let’s end the week with a counterpoint to huge Super Bowl spots: a zero-budget personal project from Israeli illustrator/animator/character designer Eran Mendel built from a series of rockin’ animated loops. [Watch]

Plug and Play stups1080 | STASH MAGAZINE

Stash Interview: Michael Frei on “Plug & Play”

On Feb 2nd Swiss animator Michael Frei released the Plug & Play game for iPad and iPhone based on his multi-award winning animated short of the same name. Stash catches up with Michael, to find out more about the charming, quirky, minimalist six-minute film and how it came to be: [Watch]

Simpsons Pixels | STASH MAGAZINE

Robertson, Dixon and Dower: “Simpsons Pixels”

This planet’s fascination with pixel art continues uninterrupted with this manic tribute to the “The Simpsons” opening from the all-Australian team of pixel artist/animator Paul Robertson, animator/pixel artist/illustrator/game maker Ivan Dixon, and sound and visual artist Jeremy Dower. [Watch]

Lightning Boy Studio_Le Gouffre | STASH MAGAZINE

Lightning Boy Studio: “Le Gouffre”

Montreal directors Carl Beauchemin, Thomas Chrétien and David Forest met while studying animation in 2009 and set up Lightning Boy Studio three years later to create this sweeping 10-minute CG short called “Le Gouffre” (The Chasm) and then completed the post with the help of 711 backers on Kickstarter. [Watch]

Animade_Propz Fridge | STASH MAGAZINE

Animade Propz “Fridge” and “Ball Sack”

Very promising new weekly animated series called “Propz” from London’s Animade. Only two clips so far but the design, animation, timing and twists all add up to refreshing sub-30-second breaks from your daily grind. Plus, you can tweet your idea for the next prop @animadetv. [Watch]