Visual Assembly, the new design and animation studio founded in London by Joseph Winston and Douglas Bowden, marks their launch with this striking CG work, “The concept was to create a piece that resonated with the name of the studio and represented the building or foundation of something new. [Watch]
Starting with a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, South Korean motion designers Minhyung Lee and Jeong-a Shin, construct a complex and whimsical CG dream called “Play” set inside the rotating sections of a glass Rubik’s cube. [Watch]
Fresh from it’s premiere at OFFF 15, weareseventeen‘s newest in-house labor of love called “Infinite Horizon” attempts to visualize The Overview Effect, a cognitive shift in awareness experienced by some astronauts when seeing the earth from space for the first time. [Watch]
One of our most diverse and striking issues to date, Stash 111 delivers wall-to-wall motion brilliance adding yet another 31 animation, VFX and motion design projects to the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, VFX · Tags Stash
Beautiful and surprisingly emotional experimental film from ANTIVJ artist Xavier Chassaing evoking an impossibly massive yet tightly choreographed site-specific installation piece. A fully-CG film co-produced by Mathematic, “Dry Lights” expands on a physical sound and light installation at the 2013 Proyecta Festival set in the ethnobotanical garden in Oaxaca, Mexico. [Watch]
Revealing interview with Emory Douglas, the art director, designer, and main illustrator for The Black Panther newspaper during the 1960s and 1970s. Introduced to graphic design working in the print shop during juvenile detention, Douglas rose to become the Panthers’ Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture [Watch]