Watch Emilio Yebra’s Surprising Animated Short “You are Not the Strongest”
This animated film, a festival favorite by Spanish animator Emilio Yebra called “You are Not the Strongest,” involves a hunter and his prey’s unexpected revenge. [Watch]
This animated film, a festival favorite by Spanish animator Emilio Yebra called “You are Not the Strongest,” involves a hunter and his prey’s unexpected revenge. [Watch]
In their playful animated short “Chickens,” UK director George Wu and Taiwan illustrator Meng-Chia Lai capture the singular awkwardness of unrequited love most of us will feel at least once in life. [Watch]
Director Rikke Planeta and a team of her fellow 3rd year students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Denmark capture a young woman’s brief but intense escape from the repetitive emptiness of her daily life. [Watch]
Ash Thorp: “I often get asked about the production details, meanings, and philosophies behind my work. Therefore, I dedicate this to my kindred scholars who enjoy the craft of filmmaking and seek to understand the why of it all. [Watch]
Izzy Burton, a concept artist at Blue Zoo Animation in London, captures the wonder and emotion of a poem by UK writer Rachel Cladingbowl with a series of striking environments marking moments in one man’s lifetime. [Watch]
Stash 127 has landed and that means 31 more brilliant projects (plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews) just made their way into the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]