Celia Hsu Perception animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Exploring “Perception” with Celia Hsu

Taiwanese motion graphic designer and SCAD graduate student Celia Hsu contemplates the effects of environment on our emotions in her introspective yet dynamic animated short film “Perception.” [Watch]

Wet City animated short film Adult Swim | STASH MAGAZINE

“Wet City” by Nate Sherman and Nick Vokey

Nate Sherman and Nick Vokey, the creative duo behind “Fired on Mars” (one of my favorite animated shorts of the decade) are back with another fabulous look at social norms/weirdness in the lowkey black comedy “Wet City.” [Watch]

Time to Play “MTL Pinball”

Fourteen Montréal motion designers indulge their “desire to play together instead of just working together” with this kinetic and freeflowing celebration of the world of pinball. [Watch]

Mate? animated short film by Buda | STASH MAGAZINE

Buda and Friends Share a Mate

Buenos Aires motion house Buda round up two dozen friends from across South America for a joyous tribute to the local tradition of drinking and sharing a bitter tea made from the yerba mate plant. [Watch]

Sit Down and Walk animated short film by Fabio Valesini | STASH MAGAZINE

“Sit Down and Walk” Animated Short by Fabio Valesini

Every day during 2018 Italian animator/illustrator/designer Fabio Valesini drew a new character based on something related to that day with the added twist that all the characters fit into a single walk cycle. [Watch]