KIDS animated Film by Michael Frei | STASH MAGAZINE

Crowds, Chaos, and Lots and Lots of “KIDS”

The all-Swiss duo of animator Michael Frei and game developer Mario von Rickenbach, who released the fabulous and award-winning Plug & Play in 2015, are back with a teaser for more interactive fun called KIDS. [Watch]

Helping hands animated short film by Oliver Sin | STASH MAGAZINE

“Helping Hands” Animated Short by Oliver Sin

Director/animator/illustrator Oliver Sin in Cheltenham, U.K.: “‘Helping Hands is the first film under my studio name Good Sin. [Watch]

Alan the Infinite... animated short trailer by Parabella | STASH MAGAZINE

Parabella’s “Alan the Infinite…” Looks Uncomfortably Brilliant

Mikey Please and Dan Ojari (aka Blink directing duo Parabella) hint at the charm and craftsmanship packed into their new stop-motion animated short “Alan the Infinite…” with this quirk-filled trailer. [Watch]

Blame Your Brother for this New Ident Starring Horace the Uni-something

Prepare to meet Horace, a flying jet-powered mascot with attitude from Toronto animation studio Blame Your Brother. [Watch]

Hunters Gatherers Short film by Lobster Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Hunter or Gatherer? Lobster Studio Asks Which One are You

Lobster Studio: “This is the story of one day from dawn to dusk. Every day, by choice or by fate, each human being takes the role of a hunter or a gatherer. [Watch]

Team Tumult Interdimensional Melancholy short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Time for a Little “Interdimensional Melancholy”

Team Tumult, a collective of five animators/illustrators/storytellers based in Zurich, take time out from their commissioned work for a light-hearted poke at death and mourning called “Interdimensional Melancholy.” [Watch]