After a year in production, Vancouver 3D generalist Han Yang (whose credits include Aquaman, Logan, and Star Trek: Discovery) just released his new personal film, an ambitious action/fantasy sequence full of dynamic camera work called The Pantheon. [Watch]
Based in Shenyang, China, director/animator Koalaism adds to the emerging CG sub-genre of atmospheric semi-abandoned cityscapes in this personal work with thoughtful music and sound design by Box Of Toys Audio. [Watch]
Most of us in the design trade harbor obsessions of some flavor – say, your latest pet project, or muse, or regular software updates. That’s why I’m certain you’re going to appreciate Eugene Boitsov’s awesome animated short film called “La Table.” [Watch]
Animator, illustrator, and musician Andy Martin at Handymartian Studio in London: “[This is] A public information film about social distancing and self-isolation to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. [Watch]
Animated explanations of animation tend to be either condescending or boring. Sheridan College student Tyler Pacana avoids both in this accomplished and entertaining film made with traditional, 2D-rigged, stop-motion, and CG techniques. [Watch]
Designer/director Matt Smithson (aka one half of Igor + Valentine): “Made for fun to switch the focus from virus things to the beautiful bloomering earth around me. Bloom bloompt blummed, spring has sprung.” [Watch]