The Pantheon short film by Han Yang | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Pantheon” Short film by Han Yang

After a year in production, Vancouver 3D generalist Han Yang (whose credits include Aquaman, Logan, and Star Trek: Discovery) just released his new personal film, an ambitious action/fantasy sequence full of dynamic camera work called The Pantheon. [Watch]

Inner Peace by Koalism | STASH MAGAZINE

“Inner Peace” by Koalaism with Box of Toys

Based in Shenyang, China, director/animator Koalaism adds to the emerging CG sub-genre of atmospheric semi-abandoned cityscapes in this personal work with thoughtful music and sound design by Box Of Toys Audio. [Watch]

La Table short film by Eugene Boitsov | STASH MAGAZINE

Obsessed with Perfection, Tools, and “La Table”

Most of us in the design trade harbor obsessions of some flavor – say, your latest pet project, or muse, or regular software updates. That’s why I’m certain you’re going to appreciate Eugene Boitsov’s awesome animated short film called “La Table.” [Watch]

Bad Better Best short film by Handymartian Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

“Bad Better Best” COVID-19 Advice from Handymartian

Animator, illustrator, and musician Andy Martin at Handymartian Studio in London: “[This is] A public information film about social distancing and self-isolation to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. [Watch]

How Does Animation Work? by Tyler Pacana | STASH MAGAZINE

Answering the Question “How Does Animation Work?”

Animated explanations of animation tend to be either condescending or boring. Sheridan College student Tyler Pacana avoids both in this accomplished and entertaining film made with traditional, 2D-rigged, stop-motion, and CG techniques. [Watch]

Bloom by Matt Smithson | STASH MAGAZINE

Watching Spring “Bloom” with Matt Smithson

Designer/director Matt Smithson (aka one half of Igor + Valentine): “Made for fun to switch the focus from virus things to the beautiful bloomering earth around me. Bloom bloompt blummed, spring has sprung.” [Watch]