"Isolation" Short Film by Carlos Rivero and Ivette Carmona | STASH MAGAZINE

“Isolation” Short Film by Carlos Rivero and Ivette Carmona

The simplest of shapes interact and multiply into a complex and dynamic macro view of how humans spread a virus in this passion project by Miami-based director/animator Carlos Rivero and composer/sound designer Ivette Carmona. [Watch]

Don’t Touch Your Face! by Leah Shore | STASH MAGAZINE

“Don’t Touch Your Face!” Punk PSA by Leah Shore

New York director/animator Leah Shore shares some less-than-subtle pandemic survival advice in this animated public service announcement powered by a song from Gina Volpe of the NYC punk band Lunachicks. [Watch]

Don't Look Away gun violence PSA by Method | STASH MAGAZINE

“Don’t Look Away” PSA Against Gun Violence

Could graphic health warnings on ammunition boxes help reduce gun violence in America? This graphic PSA, with production by Method Studios, poses that question just in time for National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 7th. [Watch]

Me Too animated PSAs | STASH MAGAZINE

Animated Me Too PSAs Rally Survivors and Supporters

Powered by heartbreaking narration from four sexual violence survivors, these emotional films were created by a coalition of creative and production talent including Deutsch, Steelhead, Hornet, Elastic, duotone, and We Are Royale. [Watch]

“Leave Her Alone” Anti-Catcalling PSA by Connie Van

Connie Van, a Brooklyn-based freelancer specializing in design and illustration for animation and motion, has some advice for catcallers. [Watch]


Hanne Berkaak: “The Boy Who Fell…”

The all-Scandinavian team of director/illustrator Hanne berkaak, animator My Eklund, and animation studio Mikrofilm unite to create a solemn but hopeful PSA for RVTS South, the Norwegian human resource development center for psychological trauma. [Watch]