James van den Elshout Spec Brand Film for Hasami Porcelain | STASH MAGAZINE

James van den Elshout Highlights Modern Craftsmanship in Spec Brand Film for Hasami Porcelain

Designer/director James van den Elshout in New York: “This is a learning exercise and tribute to the incredible craftsmanship of the Hasami Porcelain family of products. Made in Japan, the hand-crafted cups, plates, and bowls have a very natural feel to them but remain extremely modern and modular in their form.” [Watch]

Channel 4 Altogether Different Rebrand by Pentagram and Found | STASH MAGAZINE

Found and Pentagram Rebrand Channel 4 With Something “Altogether Different”

From the team at Found in London: “Working closely with Pentagram and 4creative, we designed the motion system and broadcast package for Channel 4’s new master brand.” [Watch]

Media Work Data PostProcessing Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Media.Work’s Newest Short Film Finds Unexpected Beauty in “Data PostProcessing”

In their latest adventure into CG magic realism, creative director Igor Sordokhonov and the crew of 3D explorers at Media.Work conjure a series of tableaux reimagining technology and artifacts related to data postprocessing. [Watch]

What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears doc Syndrome Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Syndrome Studio Packages “What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears?” Feature Doc

Syndrome Studio co-founders Mars Sandoval and Micah Hancock in LA: “A political thriller with a classic rock band at the heart, What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears? uncovers the hidden story behind the band’s 1970 Eastern Europe tour”. [Watch]

CryptoCubes Explainer by Ordinary Folk | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk Demystifies CryptoCubes with Many More Cubes

CD Jorge R. Canedo E. at Ordinary Folk in Vancouver: “Han, the mastermind behind the CryptoCubes NFTs, entrusted us to create an animation that captures the essence of his project as well as its role in uniting artists with CryptoCubes Creators. And what better way to do it than in Han’s signature style: a minimalist, cube-centric design. [Watch]

Panoply R&D for Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania | STASH MAGAZINE

Panoply Reveals Concept R&D for Marvel’s “Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania”

London CG studio Panoply fosters a culture of active curiosity when it comes to their chosen medium, producing a steady flow of in-house motion experiments. That restless R&D mindset recently caught the attention of Marvel Studios. [Watch]