Anagram Anarchy Opens Blend Fest in Vancouver

The spankin’ new Blend festival launched late last week in Vancouver with this hyper-active happy meal of clever wordplay and characters created by Gareth O’Brien and crew at Buck‘s new Sydney studio with nicely-caffeinated music and sound design from Antfood. [Watch]

Totuma Breast Cancer | STASH MAGAZINE

Treading the Fine Line for Breast Cancer

Creating hundreds of visual “boob” metaphors looks like a fun project but Totuma CD Hubert Reinfeld says creating this breast cancer awareness campaign for Lifetime Latin America was among the most difficult he and his crew have ever attempted. [Watch]

Henning Lederer_Book Covers |STASH MAGAZINE

55 Animated Vintage Book Covers

Indulge your fetish for 70’s design with this five-minute, low-key feast of tightly kerned Helvetica, Swiss-flavored graphics and Op art – courtesy of German designer/animator Henning Max Lederer. [Watch]

Johnny Kelly_Dropbox |STASH MAGAZINE

Interview: Johnny Kelly on Dropbox “Creative Freedom”

Nexus wunderkind director Johnny Kelly talks to Stash about pulling together 100+ artists, designers, craftspeople, architects, engineers, scientists and musicians; assigning them each a scene, then merging it all into a hypnotic brand film for Dropbox. [Watch]

Yukai Du_TED Ed Treadmills | STASH MAGAZINE

Making History Less Torturous with Beautiful Motion

London-based animator/illustrator Yukai Du elevates a potentially banal TED-Ed lesson called “The Torturous History of the Treadmill” into a four-minute work of motion art with vigorous palette choices, unexpected framing and stripped down characters. [Watch]

Matan Stauber_Histography | STASH MAGAZINE

“Histography” Lets You Interact with the Last 14 Billion Years

If your love of visual information extends to history, prepare to lose several hours of your life down the addictive rabbit hole called “Histography,” an interactive timeline spanning from the big bang to 2015 created by Matan Stauber as his graduation project at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. [Watch]