PromaxBDA amsterdam 2017 | STASH MAGAZINE

This is How they do Titles in Amsterdam

PromaxBDA’s annual conference in Amsterdam kicked open the doors Mar 13 with this rousing piece of title-happy insanity from the hometown motion crew at DutchToast. [Watch]


Brave: A Humdinger of a Browser

The sad state of internet browsing gets a thorough airing in this snappy explainer from Minneapolis creative agency Humdinger & Sons for Brave, the new browser from Brendan Eich, aka Javascript inventor and Mozilla co-founder. [Watch]

Daniel Savage_Marshall McLuhan | STASH MAGAZINE

Marshall McLuhan Nailed this Whole Media Thing

Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan made his observations about electronic media in the ’60s but they seem more prophetic than ever in this short by Brooklyn’s Daniel Savage for The Listening Post, Al Jazeera’s weekly program examining world media. [Watch]

Microsoft #MakeWhatsNext: Change the Odds | STASH MAGAZINE

Helping Change the Odds for Girls

Scores of inspirational spots were released this week for International Women’s Day, but few packed the emotional gut punch of this Microsoft work thru m:united/McCann with VFX from the NY and London teams of Framestore. [Watch]

Erica Gorochow_Dear Europe | STASH MAGAZINE

“Dear Europe” the Future is Written by Those who Vote

Brooklyn director/designer/illustrator Erica Gorochow gathered a super crew of 23 US and UK artists to deliver a message to European voters ahead of the upcoming elections on “how lessons gleaned from Brexit and Trump, might relate.” [Watch]


Chanel Episode 18: “Gabrielle, A Rebel at Heart”

French motion designer/director Cyrille Smaha and illustrator Roxane Lagache are back with another stylish and breathless episode in their branded series for Chanel produced by Falabracks in Paris. [Watch]