“Dear Universe” Animated Short by Jeejung Gabin Kim
Dear Universe by Jeejung Gabin Kim [Watch]
Dear Universe by Jeejung Gabin Kim [Watch]
The TEDx event in China’s port city of Qingdao opened this summer with a rush of layered color and fine detail crafted by the design crew at hometown studio Flatwhite Motion. [Watch]
Timed for release with the Tour de France race, the crew at Illo in Turin, Italy designed this jaunty explainer to share some numbers about the growth and importance of cycling experiences among Airbnb members. [Watch]
London branding/ad agency Mmmultiply merge their collective paranoia with a brilliant take on lyrics from Talking Heads’ “Once in a Lifetime” to create these twitchy and beautifully stylized titles for FOX’s new spy series “Deep State.” [Watch]
IBM’s inaugural Think conference hit Vegas earlier this year complete with this ambitious, flexible, and beautiful branding scheme created by Athletics NYC and foam Studio, the commercial arm of Berlin’s Zeitguised. [Watch]
This animated video was made for two Belgian artists, known under the stage names R.O and Konoba. [Watch]