Notitled Cosmetics Spec Brand Film by offthegrid | STASH MAGAZINE

Notitled Cosmetics Spec Brand Film by offthegrid

From the team at offthegrid in Seoul, South Korea: “The notitled cosmetics project focuses on the aesthetic qualities of packaging through the use of repeated twisting of curves.” [Watch]

Standard Chartered "Here for Good" Brand Film by Igor + Valentine | STASH MAGAZINE

Standard Chartered “Here for Good” Brand Film by Igor + Valentine

Directors David Stanfield and Matt Smithson at Igor + Valentine: “Stripping away that which is not needed is often a deceptively difficult creative task. That’s exactly what was called for on this project for Standard Chartered Bank.” [Watch]

Hulu "Nine Perfect Strangers" Titles by Antibody | STASH MAGAZINE

Hulu “Nine Perfect Strangers” Titles by Antibody

In their latest series title sequence, Patrick Clair and Raoul Marks at Antibody deploy machine learning software to visualize “a sticky, insidious paradise where shimmering sunshine seduces you into a world of dark hearts and exploitation.” [Watch]

Roland Tempelaar "Tenderly" Music Video by Matt Smithson | STASH MAGAZINE

Roland Tempelaar “Tenderly” Music Video by Matt Smithson

Director/animator Matt Smithson: “A mostly improvised animation to a beautiful rendition of ‘Tenderly’ by [Dutch composer, pianist, and scientist] Roland Tempelaar from the upcoming album New York Chapter. [Watch]

Artgrid "Patterns" Stock Motion By Clim Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Artgrid “Patterns” Stock CG Motion By Clim Studio

Director/designer Clim at Clim Studio in Barcelona: “After winning Artgrid’s trust with our previous Art Loops Series, the stock footage platform asked us to create something fun to include in their always-growing catalogue. So we said ‘Let’s Go Patterns!’. [Watch]

Olivia Rodrigo "Brutal" Music Video by Petra Collins and an iPad | STASH MAGAZINE

Olivia Rodrigo “Brutal” Music Video by Petra Collins and Scholar

Canadian artist/photographer/model and director Petra Collins’ second video for actress and pop phenom Olivia Rodrigo features a flurry of animated AR masks created by the Scholar crew that keep the teen angst vibe on the light side. [Watch]