Notitled Cosmetics Spec Brand Film by offthegrid
From the team at offthegrid in Seoul, South Korea: “The notitled cosmetics project focuses on the aesthetic qualities of packaging through the use of repeated twisting of curves.” [Watch]
From the team at offthegrid in Seoul, South Korea: “The notitled cosmetics project focuses on the aesthetic qualities of packaging through the use of repeated twisting of curves.” [Watch]
Directors David Stanfield and Matt Smithson at Igor + Valentine: “Stripping away that which is not needed is often a deceptively difficult creative task. That’s exactly what was called for on this project for Standard Chartered Bank.” [Watch]
In their latest series title sequence, Patrick Clair and Raoul Marks at Antibody deploy machine learning software to visualize “a sticky, insidious paradise where shimmering sunshine seduces you into a world of dark hearts and exploitation.” [Watch]
Director/animator Matt Smithson: “A mostly improvised animation to a beautiful rendition of ‘Tenderly’ by [Dutch composer, pianist, and scientist] Roland Tempelaar from the upcoming album New York Chapter. [Watch]
Director/designer Clim at Clim Studio in Barcelona: “After winning Artgrid’s trust with our previous Art Loops Series, the stock footage platform asked us to create something fun to include in their always-growing catalogue. So we said ‘Let’s Go Patterns!’. [Watch]
Canadian artist/photographer/model and director Petra Collins’ second video for actress and pop phenom Olivia Rodrigo features a flurry of animated AR masks created by the Scholar crew that keep the teen angst vibe on the light side. [Watch]