LSO 2024:25 Season promo by XK studio | STASH MAGAZINE

XK studio Powers LSO 2024/25 Season With Brain Data

In their latest collaboration for the London Symphony Orchestra, CG motion trailblazers XK studio and the London office of Design Bridge and Partners transform brain scan data into a spectacular visit to Jupiter. [Watch]

Nik Bartsch Modul 45 animated visualization by Simon Russell | STASH MAGAZINE

Visualizing the Polyrhythmic Genius of Nik Bärtsch

UK motion designer Simon Russell, whose eclectic music-driven experiments we track here, just dropped us his latest – a fascinating multiplex visualization of the track “Modul 45” by Swiss pianist/composer Nik Bärtsch. [Watch]

Team Liquid Dress Up Demon Slayer Fashion in “Waves of Motion” Brand Film

UK 3D artist Tiago Paixao and the Team Liquid design crew combine fashion and the world of esports in this intricate and dramatically staged CG work for an apparel line based on the fighting action-adventure game Demon Slayer. [Watch]

NodeFest 2024 titles by Never Sit Still | STASH MAGAZINE

Never Sit Still Jazz Up the Titles for NodeFest 2024

The NodeFest 2024 motion design event opened yesterday in Melbourne with this syncopated sequence of jazz-fueled typography by creative director Zoe Crocker and the crew at Sydney studio Never Sit Still. [Watch]

WeCanMake Keeps Walking in Sami Fitz “Blue” Music Video

The latest music video collaboration between creative director Ben Collier-Marsh at WeCanMake in London and singer/songwriter Sami Fitz, provides a whimsical and mesmeric escape based the single “Blue”. [Watch]

State Design Manifesto The Unspeakable World | STASH MAGAZINE

State Celebrates 10 Years With “Unspeakable World” Manifesto Film

Few studios approach crafting demo/manifesto reels as thoughtfully as the design and motion team at State in LA. Beyond showcasing the work, this latest effort offers a worldview that feels resonant with the industry and the times. [Watch]