Tony's Chocolate Slave free | STASH MAGAZINE

Welcome to Tony’s Slave-free Chocolate

Dutch confectionery Tony’s Chocolonely is on a mission to eliminate slavery and child labour from the chocolate industry and build what sounds like a truly Wonka-esque factory in Amsterdam. [Watch]

Anomaly Sonos Retail | STASH MAGAZINE

Giant Ant Makes a Retail Splash for Sonos

Giant Ant teams up with Anomaly, this time to create a looping retail experience to show off that big Sonos sound. [Watch]

The Arrow short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Watch Emilio Yebra’s “The Arrow”

When an arrow hits the wrong target… Director: Emilio (animator from Valencia based in Edinburgh) [Watch]


Tendril for Canada’s Together Project

Written and directed by Julia Deakin and with creative consultation by our good friend Kurt Mills (of Goodby), this film perfectly encapsulates the objectives of Together Project [Watch]

Picolo Shooom's Odyssey | STASH MAGAZINE

Picolo Pictures Teases “Shooom’s Odyssey”

With the cute and adorable dials cranked to 11, Paris-based Picolo Pictures founders Claire Paoletti and Julien Bisaro introduce Shooom, an intrepid baby owl on a mission. [Watch]

E-ALZ. Memory Error McCann Peru | STASH MAGAZINE

What if Your Cell Phone Developed Alzheimer’s?

Meet Matt the cell phone. His memory is not what it used to be and that can be very frustrating. Thankfully Matt has friends who know how to help. [Watch]