Stash issue 126 Preview | STASH MAGAZINE

Check the Monsterous Motion Treats on Stash 126

Stash 126 jams another 31 inspiring and innovative motion projects into the Stash Permanent Collection, the largest online video archive of design, animation and VFX in the universe. [Watch]

Pictoplasma NYC 2017 | STASH MAGAZINE

Pictoplasma Characters Invade NYC November 17

Time to grab your tickets for Pictoplasma NYC, (the mother of all character design festivals) returning to Manhattan November 17 with a killer line up of artists plus the Characters in Motion animation screening. [Watch]

The School of Life Nagging | STASH MAGAZINE

The Truth About Nagging and Why it Doesn’t Work

The Truth About Nagging and Why it Doesn’t Work by Steve Kirby for The School of Life [Watch]

Treated Like We Did Something Wrong ACLU | STASH MAGAZINE

ACLU “Treated Like We Did Something Wrong”

Daniela Sherer, an indie animator and illustrator based in Tel Aviv and London: “This is a short I directed/animated for ACLU. [Watch]

Spoon - Do I Have To Talk You Into It? | STASH MAGAZINE

Spoon “Do I Have To Talk You Into It?”

The wonders (and horrors) of Photoshop reveal the many sides of Spoon lead singer/guitarist Britt Daniel in Brook Linder’s video for “Do I Have To Talk You Into It?” [Watch]

cbess Mercedez-benz | STASH MAGAZINE

Mcbess’ Tongue Twister for Mercedes-Benz

The latest animated Tongue Twister for Mercedes-Benz safety features comes from London-based French illustrator/director mcbess and follows on two dynamic spots from Daniel Semanas and Noma Bar released this past summer. [Watch]